Wall Pocket Gallery

See their Pockets and read their stories

Meet Sade

Sade has terrible vision and no nightstand. "My Wall Pocket changed my life" -Sade

Meet Rivkie

Rivkie loves her Wall Pocket so much that she wanted her own face on it. Now, Rivkie gets to see her face before she goes to bed every night. Plus, she has a place to keep her phone. Be like Rivkie.

Meet Jeremy

A classy southern gentleman whose Wall Pocket reflects his taste for the finer things in life. He has taken full advantage of his investment, hence the Wall-Pocket-mimosa-holder. L'chaim.

Meet Jeremy

What would he do without his Wall Pocket? Probably cry. Now he has a Wall Pocket. Dont cry Jeremy.

Meet Gabriella

She's awesome, just like her Wall Pocket. Conclusion: Let your Wall Pocket express you!

Meet Alex

Alex hails from the sunny state of Florida and decided to switch to Columbia in his sophomore year just so two years later he could buy a Wall Pocket. Good choice Alex. Ur welcome ladies.

Meet Danielle

Our resident red-headed Syrian chick who treated each of her suite mates to a Wall Pocket! This brilliant and hilarious Barnard woman surprised her suite mates with Wall Pocket toothbrush holders.

Meet Jason

Rollerblading champ, Playwright, Hamilton attendee, UTA intern, Wall Pocket patron. What can't this guy do?

Meet Ariel

Meet Ariel Feifel, A Wall Pocket enthusiast since day one. Feifel's wall pocket comes with a special not so one-of-a-kind square in the bottom to slip a charger through. You can have that too!

Meet Fran

Fran remembers everything. That memory served her well when she remembered to buy a Wall Pocket, because the mind wants what it wants.

Meet Elisha

He is cool. He has a Wall Pocket. If you buy a Wall Pocket you will be as cool as him.

Meet the Entrepreneurs Club

These women, co-founders of the Westchester Entrepreneurs Club, are revolutionaries in business. Thanks for the endorsement! Look out world.